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Switching health provider?

Discover high-quality healthcare and redefine your coverage effortlessly with Cigna Healthcare.

  • Cover wherever you are for you and your family

  • Direct access to mental health support: No waiting period

  • Extensive preventative care: No medical exclusion applies

  • 5-star Customer Service

  • Quote in 2 minutes, buy online in under 10 minutes

Making the switch to better care, together.

We know how important it is to feel confident in your healthcare provider. If you’re thinking about making a change, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Changing health provider doesn’t have to feel overwhelming – let us help make the process smooth, simple, and stress-free, so you can get back to focusing on what truly matters: your health and well-being.

The Cigna Healthcare Difference

Key benefits of switching to Cigna Healthcare.

Unlimited doctor consultations for non-emergencies

Customisable cover with a range of additional benefits

Pandemics, epidemics, and outbreaks of infectious illnesses

Prise en charge complète des traitements anticancéreux

Full preventative dental care*

No upper age limit

Pre-existing & chronic conditions support*

Réseau international de près de 1,5 million d’hôpitaux et de professionnels de santé

Inquiries and member claims processed within 2 days

Build a plan to suit your needs and budget, choose between Silver, Gold or Platinum.


Annual maximum of $1 000 000 for inpatient and daypatient treatment.

  • Chambre individuelle

  • Full cancer care up to $1 000 000

  • Medical Imaging and scans up to $10 000

  • Rehabilitation, including Physiotherapy, up to $5 000

  • A&E Room Treatment up to $500

  • No inpatient maternity covered


Annual maximum of $2 000 000 for inpatient and daypatient treatment.

  • Chambre individuelle

  • Full cancer care up to $2 000 000

  • Medical Imaging and scans up to $15 000

  • Rehabilitation, including Physiotherapy, up to $10 000

  • A&E Room Treatment up to $1 000

  • Newborn care cover up to $75 000

  • Inpatient Maternity up to $7 000


Inpatient and daypatient treatment is Paid in Full.

  • Chambre individuelle

  • Prise en charge complète des traitements anticancéreux

  • Medical Imaging and scans Paid in Full

  • Rehabilitation, including Physiotherapy Paid in Full

  • A&E Room Treatment up to $2 000

  • Newborn care cover up to $156 000

  • Inpatient Maternity up to $14 000

  • Mental & Behavioural Healthcare Paid in Full


Our Silver plan covers day-patient cover, including hospital stays and treatment.

Our Gold policy package includes maternity cover, and dental treatment. This plan could be ideal for you if you’re moving with your family.

Our most extensive insurance package, Platinum gives you and your family access to a broad range of treatments – often paid in full.

Geographic coverSilverGoldPlatinum

Monde entier

Monde entier

Monde entier

Garanties annuelles globalesSilverGoldPlatinum

1 000 000 $

2 000 000 $


Inpatient, day-patient and accommodation costsSilverGoldPlatinum

Private room paid in full

Private room paid in full

Private room paid in full

Soins anti-cancéreuxSilverGoldPlatinum

Règlement intégral

Règlement intégral

Règlement intégral

Mental and behavioral healthcareSilverGoldPlatinum

Up to $5 000

Up to $10 000

Règlement intégral

Soins de maternitéSilverGoldPlatinum

Non inclus

Routine inpatient maternity cover – paid in full up to $7 000

Routine inpatient maternity cover – paid in full up to $14 000

    • Our Silver plan covers day-patient cover, including hospital stays and treatment.

    • Our Gold policy package includes maternity cover, and dental treatment. This plan could be ideal for you if you’re moving with your family.

    • Our most extensive insurance package, Platinum gives you and your family access to a broad range of treatments – often paid in full.

    Geographic cover
      • Monde entier

      • Monde entier

      • Monde entier

      Garanties annuelles globales
        • 1 000 000 $

        • 2 000 000 $

        • Illimité

        Inpatient, day-patient and accommodation costs
          • Private room paid in full

          • Private room paid in full

          • Private room paid in full

          Soins anti-cancéreux
            • Règlement intégral

            • Règlement intégral

            • Règlement intégral

            Mental and behavioral healthcare
              • Up to $5 000

              • Up to $10 000

              • Règlement intégral

              Soins de maternité
                • Non inclus

                • Routine inpatient maternity cover – paid in full up to $7 000

                • Routine inpatient maternity cover – paid in full up to $14 000

                Our essential plan covers you in your country of residence and your home country.

                You can also add modules to extend this cover, including dental and wider outpatient care.

                Geographic coverClose Care℠

                Country you’re living in and home country only

                Garanties annuelles globalesClose Care℠

                $500 000 (with $250 000 condition limit)

                Inpatient, day-patient and accommodation costsClose Care℠

                Semi-private room paid in full

                Soins anti-cancéreuxClose Care℠

                Règlement intégral

                Mental and behavioral healthcareClose Care℠

                Non inclus

                Soins de maternitéClose Care℠

                Non inclus

                  Our essential plan covers you in your country of residence and your home country.

                  You can also add modules to extend this cover, including dental and wider outpatient care.

                    Geographic cover
                      Close Care℠
                      • Country you’re living in and home country only

                      Garanties annuelles globales
                        Close Care℠
                        • $500 000 (with $250 000 condition limit)

                        Inpatient, day-patient and accommodation costs
                          Close Care℠
                          • Semi-private room paid in full

                          Soins anti-cancéreux
                            Close Care℠
                            • Règlement intégral

                            Mental and behavioral healthcare
                              Close Care℠
                              • Non inclus

                              Soins de maternité
                                Close Care℠
                                • Non inclus

                                Les contrats d’assurance en détail

                                An overview of key benefits, for full benefits please view Product Brochure [PDF]

                                Plan tier Silver Gold Platinum

                                Zone de couverture

                                Worldwide or Worldwide excluding USA

                                Annual overall benefit maximum – per beneficiary per period of cover Silver Gold Platinum

                                1 000 000 $

                                2 000 000 $

                                Frais d’hospitalisation Silver Gold Platinum
                                Private room Private room Private room
                                Imagerie médicale avancée (IRM, tomodensitométries et caméra à positons) Silver Gold Platinum
                                As part of impatient, daypatient or outpatient treatment. 10 000 $ 15 000 $
                                Santé mentale et comportementale Silver Gold Platinum
                                5 000 $ 10 000 $
                                Soins anti-cancéreux Silver Gold Platinum
                                Garantie hospitalisation d’urgence hors zone de couverture Silver Gold Platinum
                                100 000 $ 250 000 $
                                Routine maternity cover (12 months) Silver Gold Platinum
                                7 000 $ 14 000 $
                                Télésanté mondiale avec Teladoc Silver Gold Platinum

                                Consultations illimitées

                                Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.

                                Waiting period applies.

                                Plan tier
                                Zone de couverture
                                Worldwide or Worldwide excluding USA
                                Annual overall benefit maximum – per beneficiary per period of cover
                                • 1 000 000 $

                                • 2 000 000 $

                                Frais d’hospitalisation
                                  • Private room

                                  • Private room

                                  • Private room

                                  Imagerie médicale avancée (IRM, tomodensitométries et caméra à positons)

                                    As part of impatient, daypatient or outpatient treatment.

                                  • 10 000 $

                                  • 15 000 $

                                  Santé mentale et comportementale
                                  • 5 000 $

                                  • 10 000 $

                                  Soins anti-cancéreux
                                  Garantie hospitalisation d’urgence hors zone de couverture
                                    • 100 000 $

                                    • 250 000 $

                                    Routine maternity cover (12 months)
                                    • 7 000 $

                                    • 14 000 $

                                    Télésanté mondiale avec Teladoc

                                      Consultations illimitées

                                    Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.
                                    Waiting period applies.

                                    The following sections detail the optional benefits you can choose to add to your core cover. For full list of optional benefits, please view the Product Brochure

                                    The International Outpatient optional module provides more comprehensive outpatient care where a hospital admission as a daypatient or inpatient is not required, including consultations with specialists, prescribed outpatient drugs and dressings, rehabilitation, genetic cancer testing and much more. For a more detailed overview of the optional International Outpatient module, please view our Product Brochure [PDF]

                                    Annual International Outpatient benefit maximum – per beneficiary per period of cover Silver Gold Platinum
                                    15 000 $ 35 000 $
                                    Consultations with medical practitioners and specialists (in-person or virtual appointments) Silver Gold Platinum
                                    2 500 $ 5 000 $
                                    Médicaments et pansements prescrits Silver Gold Platinum
                                    1 500 $ 3 000 $
                                    Pathologie, radiologie et tests diagnostiques (sauf imagerie médicale avancée) Silver Gold Platinum
                                    2,5000 $ 5 000 $
                                    Pre-natal and post natal care Silver Gold Platinum
                                    3 500 $ 7 000 $
                                    60+ Care (Soins pour les plus de 60 ans) Silver Gold Platinum
                                    500 $ 1 000 $ 2 000 $

                                    Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.

                                    Waiting period applies.

                                    Annual International Outpatient benefit maximum – per beneficiary per period of cover
                                    • 15 000 $

                                    • 35 000 $

                                    Consultations with medical practitioners and specialists (in-person or virtual appointments)
                                      • 2 500 $

                                      • 5 000 $

                                      Médicaments et pansements prescrits
                                        • 1 500 $

                                        • 3 000 $

                                        Pathologie, radiologie et tests diagnostiques (sauf imagerie médicale avancée)
                                        • 2,5000 $

                                        • 5 000 $

                                        Pre-natal and post natal care
                                        • 3 500 $

                                        • 7 000 $

                                        60+ Care (Soins pour les plus de 60 ans)
                                          • 500 $

                                          • 1000 $

                                          • 2 000 $

                                          Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.
                                          Waiting period applies.

                                          Nous savons que le bien-être et l’équilibre de vie sont importants pour vous. Outre des bilans, tests et examens de santé, ce module vous donne accès, ainsi qu’à votre famille, à des services et une aide pour gérer votre santé et votre bien-être au quotidien. Your Wellness companion, comprising of the Life Management Assistance programme and the Wellness Coaching, is available to help you and your family stay healthy and well, both physically and mentally.

                                          Programme d’assistance Gestion de vie Silver Gold Platinum
                                          24/7 access to counsellors for mental and behavioural health support.
                                          Coaching bien-être par téléphone Silver Gold Platinum
                                          Access to a personal wellness coach for lasting lifestyle changes.
                                          Programme de soutien à la santé mentale Silver Gold Platinum
                                          Jusqu’à 20 sessions de conseil en personne par problème par période de couverture.
                                          Examen physique de routine pour adulte Silver Gold Platinum
                                          225 $ 450 $ 600 $
                                          Soins des pieds dispensés par un podologue ou podiatre Silver Gold Platinum
                                          $225 up to 5 sessions $450 up to 10 sessions $900 up to 15 sessions
                                          Cancer Screenings Silver Gold Platinum
                                          225 $ 450 $

                                          Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.

                                          Waiting period applies.

                                          Programme d’assistance Gestion de vie

                                            24/7 access to counsellors for mental and behavioural health support.

                                          Coaching bien-être par téléphone

                                            Access to a personal wellness coach for lasting lifestyle changes.


                                          Programme de soutien à la santé mentale

                                            Jusqu’à 20 sessions de conseil en personne par problème par période de couverture.

                                          Examen physique de routine pour adulte
                                          • 225 $

                                          • 450 $

                                          • 600 $

                                          Soins des pieds dispensés par un podologue ou podiatre
                                          • $225 up to 5 sessions

                                          • $450 up to 10 sessions

                                          • $900 up to 15 sessions

                                          Cancer Screenings
                                            • 225 $

                                            • 450 $

                                            Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.
                                            Waiting period applies.

                                            Le contrat des soins optiques et dentaires à l'international rembourse les examens ophtalmologiques de routine de l'assuré ainsi que les coûts des lunettes et des verres de contact. Il couvre également un large éventail de soins dentaires préventifs, périodiques et majeurs.

                                            Annual Dental Treatment benefit maximum Silver Gold Platinum
                                            1 250 $ 2 500 $ 5 500 $
                                            Soins préventifs (3 months) Silver Gold Platinum
                                            Routine (3 months) Silver Gold Platinum
                                            80 % remboursés 90 % remboursés
                                            Soins reconstructifs majeurs (12 months) Silver Gold Platinum
                                            70 % remboursés 80 % remboursés
                                            Soins orthodontiques (18 months) Silver Gold Platinum
                                            40 % remboursés 50 % remboursés 50 % remboursés

                                            Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.

                                            Waiting period applies.

                                            Annual Dental Treatment benefit maximum
                                            • 1 250 $

                                            • 2 500 $

                                            • 5 500 $

                                            Soins préventifs (3 months)

                                            Routine (3 months)
                                            • 80 % remboursés

                                            • 90 % remboursés

                                            Soins reconstructifs majeurs (12 months)
                                            • 70 % remboursés

                                            • 80 % remboursés

                                            Soins orthodontiques (18 months)
                                            • 40 % remboursés

                                            • 50 % remboursés

                                            • 50 % remboursés

                                            Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.
                                            Waiting period applies.

                                            International Medical Evacuation provides coverage for reasonable transportation costs to the nearest centre of medical excellence in the event that treatment is not available locally in an emergency. This option also includes medical repatriation coverage, as a result of a serious illness or after a traumatic event or surgery. Compassionate visits for a parent, spouse, partner, sibling or child to visit a beneficiary after an accident or sudden illness will also be covered.

                                            Évacuation médicale Silver Gold Platinum
                                            Rapatriement sanitaire Silver Gold Platinum
                                            Crisis Assistance Plus Programme

                                            This programme is provided by global crisis response experts, FocusPoint International®, who support global travellers with 24/7 multilingual response centres and resources in over 100 countries. Crisis Assistance Plus™ (CAP) provides time-sensitive advice and coordinated in-country crisis assistance for risks when travelling.

                                            Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.

                                            Waiting period applies.

                                            Évacuation médicale
                                            Rapatriement sanitaire
                                            Crisis Assistance Plus Programme
                                              This programme is provided by global crisis response experts, FocusPoint International®, who support global travellers with 24/7 multilingual response centres and resources in over 100 countries. Crisis Assistance Plus™ (CAP) provides time-sensitive advice and coordinated in-country crisis assistance for risks when travelling.
                                            Paid in full,up to the annual benefit maximum,if applicable, for your selected plan per beneficiary per period of cover.
                                            Waiting period applies.

                                            Why switch to Cigna Healthcare?

                                            Nous regardons la situation dans son ensemble.

                                            Notre approche de la santé globale examine le large éventail d’aspects (du corps, de l’esprit et de tous les domaines de la vie) qui constituent votre bien-être, de sorte que nous pouvons vous offrir davantage de soutien.

                                            Nous vous connectons à la santé numérique

                                            Des outils et des applications innovants, notamment le service Télésanté à l’international, vous donnent un accès multilingue aux soins à tout moment et en tout lieu.

                                            Nous vous donnons la liberté de choisir

                                            Nos contrats sont flexibles et vous permettent de composer une assurance adaptée à vos besoins et à votre budget.

                                            Nous vous aidons à reprendre le dessus

                                            Notre équipe expérimentée est prête à vous aider avec un soutien spécialisé pour votre santé physique, votre santé mentale et votre bien-être émotionnel.

                                            Rejoignez Cigna Global dès aujourd’hui.

                                            Obtenir un devis gratuit

                                            Contenu connexe

                                            famille en voyage

                                            Pourquoi choisir une assurance santé internationale ?

                                            Que vous planifiez votre déménagement à l’étranger ou que vous soyez déjà installé, une assurance santé internationale vous garantit que vos besoins en matière de soins de santé sont bien couverts.
                                            Femme dans un canapé

                                            Faites en sorte que votre déménagement à l’étranger se fasse sans heurts

                                            La planification est essentielle pour que votre déménagement à l’étranger soit le moins stressant possible.
                                            Famille souriante

                                            Guide de l’expatrié pour gérer sa santé et son bien-être

                                            Pour les personnes qui vivent et travaillent à l’étranger, les problèmes tels que le manque de mobilité, les pressions familiales, le stress, les inquiétudes concernant la sécurité de l’emploi et la gestion de la santé ont été ressentis de manière plus aiguë depuis le début de la pandémie.