International Women’s Day: Coming together to celebrate women across the globe

International Women’s Day: Coming together to celebrate women across the globe

March 8th marks International Women’s Day; a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. At Cigna Europe we’re championing the inspiring and talented women we are privileged to have in our workforce.
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The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias, the starting point towards a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination - instead celebrating our differences and creating a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive (DEI). This is what we strive to achieve at Cigna Europe, and we are continually looking at ways to advocate this, all year round.

We pride ourselves on our diverse workplace and have a continued focus on DEI, especially when it comes to gender equality. Our International Markets Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council, now in its second year, is made up of people from across Cigna from various positions and backgrounds. The Council focuses on gender, multiculturalism, pride and talent with additional needs, with the ultimate goal to put DEI at the heart of everything we do. The Council promotes an inclusive, accessible, equal working environment for all.

There are so many women in our organisation across every level who innovate, lead and uplift not only our customers, but our entire workforce, and it’s important to recognise the difference that they’re making. For the past three years, we have held the International Markets – Women Leaders Program, with 50 women leaders participating each year to enhance competencies that promote effective leadership behaviour, helping our talent to assess their full potential as a leader in business. I’m proud to be part of a workplace culture that supports, develops, and empowers women.

Today we come together to honor all the women in our lives – family, friends, customers, and colleagues – as we continue to #BreakTheBias. Let’s celebrate the achievements of women everywhere!

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